CSE HTML Validator Lite is a powerful application that lets you perform accurate syntax checking tasks for HTML, XHTML, and CSS files. The latest HTML 5 and CSS 3 versions are also supported. This reliable syntax checker is capable of accurately finding any kind of syntax problems, including missing end tags, missing or incorrect attributes, bad or misspelled tags, and so on. Anyway, this feature-rich utility is not just a syntax checker and code validating tool, as it can also be used as a simple and handy code editor. Many valuable editing functions are included, such as the ability to automatically place quotation marks around attribute values, the possibility of stripping HTML tags from HTML documents in order to extract plain texts from them, the spell checking function, the syntax highlighter, or the capability of changing the letter case to different types.
Though it’s only the limited, “Lite” free edition of a more powerful validation tool, this application is still feature-rich and comprehensive. It’s perfect for simple and quick code validation tasks. Cutting long story short, it’s a really nice solution for any code validation needs.
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